Official Movie Website:
Hollywoozy Domain Rating: 1 Star
Bill Sweetman's Review:
I'm a huge fan of Clint Eastwood, however I'm not so impressed by whoever was responsible for the marketing of his new movie. As you can see, they're promoting Changeling with a .net domain, and it's not even the more intuitive "themovie" version of the .net domain. Hollywoozy did some investigation and has come to the aid of Clint Eastwood and Universal Pictures. We recently were able to obtain the far more intuitive domain (previously registered by a third party) and are now forwarding that domain to the movie's official Website. This is all part of our ongoing commitment to helping Hollywood master its domain. (For the record, we will gladly transfer ownership of the domain name to an official representative of the movie at no charge.)
Domain name expert Bill Sweetman is one of the Internet marketing industry's most respected authorities. Learn more about domain names at Bill's blog, Sweetmantra.